#53: Having Difficult Conversations with guest Lynne Maureen Hurdle
My guest today is Lynne Maureen Hurdle, a Conflict Resolution Specialist, facilitator and coach who helps develop and improve communication skills specifically around conflict. Lawyers do not usually have trouble with conflict in the courtroom but when it comes to personal conflict related to their career, we seem to stumble or have a harder time communicating around the conflict. On today’s episode, Lynne and I talk about different situations where communication is lost in conflict and what you can do about it. Things you will learn in this episode: Why being able to have a relationship with difficult conversations is so critical The reasons that conflict is really not only about resolution, but seeing a different perspective Why miscommunication happens so frequently in the online world How the mindset piece comes into play, along with learning the skillsets to better handle conflict How to prepare yourself for difficult conversations… The “right” way to engage in conflict! How holding on to resentment can cost you – in multiple ways LINKS: https://lynnemaureenhurdle.com/ http://www.buildleadershipcore.com/ https://www.facebook.com/theconflictcloser/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/ Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.hustleandflowpodcast.com/53