#49: The Future of Diversity Programs in Law Firms
On this episode, I am joined by Michelle Wimes, who is the Chief Diversity and Professional Development Office at Ogletree Deakins. Ogletree Deakins has designed and implemented programs and initiatives to really paint a picture of what it takes to be a successful attorney within their company. Michelle is here to give a fresh perspective on racial and gender equality in legal firms, and she shares how her company’s initiatives are benefiting women and minorities in law. Things you will learn in this episode: How diversity, inclusion and personal development came together at Ogletree Deakins to form the programs and initiatives Even though these measures are relatively new, why they have already seen great success with them How they were able to set up benchmarks and the budget for programs to assist in the success of their employees’ personal development The traits and behaviors which may be unspoken cultural norms, that could lead to greater success for attorneys LINKS: https://ogletree.com/people/michelle-p-wimes https://www.nalp.org/ * National Association of Legal Placement http://www.pdclegal.org/ *Professional Development Consortium Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.hustleandflowpodcast.com/49