#9: The Numbers Don't Lie
In this episode, I’m taking a hard look at the data available on the status of women in the legal profession in the United States. Statistics don’t have to be boring because they tell stories - and these numbers say a lot. Has there been any progress made over the past decade for women in law and, if so, how much and in what areas? I give my thoughts on where we can go from here, both collectively and individually, and what I think are the leading issues facing us today. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: What is the ‘50/15/15’ conundrum? The "challenge" issued by the National Association of Women Lawyers in 2006 to address promotion issues in the profession How law firms may be creating roles for women that are actually allowing us to go backward Why I believe participation in the Challenge decreased recently Women are paid less in other industries, but what does the data say for law firms? Proof that unconscious bias is happening when women don't have a seat at the table At the current rate of progress, here’s when we’ll meet the objectives of the Challenge How women of color have it worse in law firms today And, where we go from here LINKS: Episode #4: Don’t Blame It on the Kids http://www.nawl.org/ http://www.americanbar.org/groups/women/ http://www.nalp.org/ http://www.nawl.org/2015nawlsurvey (Downloadable pdf at end of page) http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/marketing/women/current_glance_statistics_january2017.authcheckdam.pdf http://www.nalp.org/uploads/Membership/2016NALPReportonDiversityinUSLawFirms.pdf http://brenebrown.com/ Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.hustleandflowpodcast.com/9