17 // Dealing with Negative People - Vibes Speak Louder Than Words
In this episode, I answer a question about dealing with negative people you can’t avoid. I give you a solid step by step plan on how to get past this bummer issue PLUS how we can leverage vibes speaking louder than words to our advantage. How shifting your vibration shifts how people react to you A 5 step journaling guide on how to work through this What happens when you USE these 5 tips (I have an amazing story to tell you) The permission slip to write a rampage on this annoying person - why it’s healthy for you Know you’re not alone on this - this episode speaks for itself! BONUS: spot the hidden Mean Girls quote. ♡ // To find out more about monthly masterclasses with Kimberley, check out: https://www.kimberleywenya.com/monthly-masterclasses/ ♡ // To READ more about The Manifestation Collective! http://kimberleywenya.com/the-manifestation-collective ♡ // To grab your very own Habits for Wellness Workbook check out: kimberleywenya.com/get-hfw ♡ // To join The Daily Manifestation, join here! https://www.facebook.com/groups/thedailymanifestation/