16 // Growing Apart from Friends, Feeling Like You Don't Fit In
In this episode, we talk about: FRIENDS. I get vulnerable and share with you gals the not so bright parts of my life and how I get past them. · My actual real life examples of growing apart from friends and feeling like I don’t fit in (we’ve all been there) · Why it’s not a bad thing to be floater · How to feel okay and to be grateful/appreciative of only having a few friends · How successful entrepreneurs also felt different to the norm · I can count the people I am close to on one hand · How to feel okay going to a cafe/eating out on your own · How growing apart is a good thing and how it links to manifestation + law of attraction♡ // To grab your very own Habits for Wellness Workbook check out: kimberleywenya.com/get-hfw ♡ // To join The Daily Manifestation, join here! https://www.facebook.com/groups/thedailymanifestation/ 16 // Growing Apart from Friends. Feeling Like You Don't Fit In Kimberley Wenya Download