Options Research for Trading Weekly Options
We're expanding last week's weekly options study by adding a moving average filter to our trades. The goal here is to determine if adding a would be bullish filter will improve the results of this already profitable strategy of trading bull put spreads with 7 days to expiration on SPY and SPX. This episode is an expansion of Episode 7 so here's the link if you'd like to go back and listen to that episode. https://www.stockmarketoptionstrading.com/episode/episode-7 Here's are the links to the performance results of both studies over on my Patreon website which is available to Podcast supporters. Weekly Options Research Results Part 1: https://bit.ly/2ZJWcJG Weekly Options Research Results Part 2: https://bit.ly/2Ye7Gmi Thanks for listening. J. Eric O'Rourke https://www.patreon.com/VerticalSpreadOptionsTrading