29: Tax Reform Bill in Congress
Tax Reform Bill in Congress We are talking about taxes today and specifically about the tax bills bouncing around in Congress. Now obviously these are a work in progress. And it is important to look at it from two perspectives- one what is good tax policy and two whether or not it is actually good for me and you. Listen to this podcast to learn what changes are on the new tax reform bill and how it will affect you. If you found this podcast useful visit our blog at http://whitecoatinvestor.com/ for more personal finance and investing information. Find an engaging and helpful community in our forum at http://whitecoatinvestor.com/forums/ This podcast is sponsored by SoFi, one of the world leaders in student loan refinancing. Do you know how easy it is to start saving money on your student loans by refinancing? SoFi offers a free online application to refinance. As the leading student loan refinancing provider in the country, they’ve already helped over ten thousand doctors save $46,086 on average on their student loans. They can help you too. There’s no obligation and no fees to apply. Take two minutes to see your new low student loan interest rate on SoFi and you could save tens of thousands of dollars on your student loans. As a member of the WCI community you’ll get $300 towards your student loan when you apply to refinance with SoFi. Now medical residents can refinance their student loans with SoFi too and pay just $100 a month during their training.