20: Comparing Independent Contractor Jobs with Employee Jobs
Comparing Independent Contractor Jobs with Employee Jobs. Which job offer is better? This is a common question and one which nearly every doctor wrestles with at some point during her career. In this podcast Dr. Dahle discusses the factors that should go into this decision. If you found this podcast useful, visit our blog at http://whitecoatinvestor.com/ for more personal finance and investing information. Find an engaging and helpful community in our forum at http://whitecoatinvestor.com/forums/ This episode is sponsored by Laurel Road. Do you know how easy it is to refinance your student loans to lower interest rates? Laurel Road offers a FREE, online application and their borrowers save an average of $20,200+ over the life of their loans when refinancing. As a member of the WCI community, you’ll get a $300 bonus when refinancing with Laurel Road! Even residents can refinance and pay only $100/month during training. To learn more and get rates within minutes, visit https://www.laurelroad.com/refinance-student-loans/?white-coat-investor