1: Refinancing Student Loans

What You Should Be Doing With Your Student Loans. Still have student loans at 6-8% interest? Not planning to go for PSLF? Dr. Dahle explains the reasons and process of refinancing your student loans to save yourself thousands of dollars. Also he includes a Q and A addressing topics such as if you should be driving an expensive car, opening an individual 401K, backdoor Roth IRAs, shopping for a mortgage, finding more tax protected space for investing, and investing in the market at all time highs. If you found this podcast useful visit our blog at http://whitecoatinvestor.com/ for more personal finance and investing information. Find an engaging and helpful community in our forum at http://whitecoatinvestor.com/forums/ This episode is sponsored by Sofi. Hundreds of WCI readers have refinanced their student loans with SoFi over the last 1-2 years saving literally millions of dollars in interest. If you apply via this link, http://www.sofi.com/whitecoat you’ll get paid $300. If you’re smart, you’ll just have them apply that to your loan balance.

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