1680 FBF: Joe Vitale - Money The Law of Attraction and Action Steps - No One is Preventing You from Making Money You Simply Need to Think Like an Entrepreneur

Today's Flash Back Friday comes from Episode 550, originally published in August 2015. Dr. Vitale believes when you learn to get clean with money and stop self sabotaging your financial future you will start to attract more money to you. You must first get through the filters that are your beliefs and see what is really possible to know you are deserving of living a wealthy life. When you want something and have the means to obtain it you should buy it to reinforce an unconscious belief of worthiness. And, always give back a portion of your good fortune to create a bond of trust in the universe.   Key Takeaways: [2:01] Indicators for an available single family property in Chicago area  [5:32] What is a DCR? Dr. Joe Vitale Interview: [10:54] Dr. Vitale has been working on this lately [14:00] The 2 reasons you don’t let money into your life [15:03] Get clean with money, money isn’t evil, money is neutral [19:55] Our conscious beliefs are us in the waking world [22:32] The 7 steps in the free Attract Money Now book  [24:30] The difference between a fact and a belief [28:13] The psychology around prosperous purchasing [32:11] Give 10% of what you have to what or who inspires you [36:06] Think like an entrepreneur and look for opportunities [36:50] Listen for complaints and make the product or service solution Mentions: www.JasonHartman.com www.JoeVitale.com Attractor Factor Life’s Missing Instruction Manual Attract Money Now The Secret Prayer Hypnotic Marketing Miracles Manual 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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