1678: A Reverse 2-for-1 1031 Exchange a JH LIVE: How to Invest in Inflationary Times
The 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange is under threat by the Biden administration, and Jason's taking advantage of it while it still exists. But he's not taking advantage of it in his usual way. He's actually going about it completely backward from his old tactics. Then, listen in to Jason's presentation on how to invest in an inflationary market and grow your wealth during unprecendented money creation. Key Takeaways: [4:01] Jason's reverse 2-for-1 1031 tax deferred exchange [9:23] The Regression to Replacement Cost is creating upside in the market Jason's LIVE Presentation: [13:04] The hidden wealth creator of income property [20:18] The U-Haul Index [24:25] 2020's money creation was beyond any historical precendent [29:28] What's going to win between inflationary and deflationary forces? [35:51] 6 ways the government can get out of their debts Website: www.JasonHartman.com/Ask www.JasonHartman.com/Properties