Christmas Bonus
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our loyal "Unqualified" listeners! We have a special treat for you today: "Anna Faris is Unqualified" theme song performer/writer Josh Ostrander (@MondoCozmo) and his wife Aria Pullman Ostrander(@ariapullman) join Anna and cohost/producer Sim Sarna to belt out some of Anna's favorite Christmas songs...including a hilarious version Blue Christmas featuring the lyrical freestyle stylings of Anna as Elvis Presley! And this episode is not all music; hijinks and special surprises abound in this lean 20-minute bonus episode. Thank you all so much for making "Unqualified" among the most listened-to podcasts. We're beyond humbled. Now crank up the volume on your phone, computer, bluetooth speaker or car and sing along! Credits: Technical Producer: Mike Flinn @realmikeflinn Social Media and Co-producer: Alycia Lancey @alycialancey Theme song by: Mondo Cozmo @mondocozmo Website by: Will Plyer Twitter: @unqualified IG: @unqualified Follow Anna at @annakfaris Submit your questions: