Ep 270 - Synthetic Cannabinoids Are Opening Up A New World Of Possibilities
Just as we’re becoming comfortable with the massive changes in cannabis legalization there enters a disruptive new technology called “Cannabinoid Biosynthesis” that has prompted a lot of interest among industry insiders. Here to tell us more about it is Jason Poulos of Librede, a synthetic biology company and leader in cannabinoid biosynthesis based in Southern California. Learn more at https://www.librede.com Key Takeaways: Jason’s background in biology and how it led him into the cannabis space A deep dive into cannabinoid biosynthesis and how it’s disrupting the industry An inside look at Librede and how the company has taken the lead in cannabinoid biosynthesis The intricate work involved in designing a molecular drug that efficiently binds with its target Exciting new discoveries surrounding the potential of cannabinoids beyond CBD and THC The importance of CB1 and CB2 receptors and how they interact The relationship between synthetic cannabinoids and cannabinoids found in nature and how Jason believes that relationship will grow Ways in which we could misuse synthetic cannabinoids that we need to avoid Where Jason sees the cannabinoid biosynthesis business heading in the next 3-5 years and how it will affect the cannabis industry