38: Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever with Joe Fairless
#38: After running out of his own money for cash flowing single family homes, Joe Fairless turned to real estate syndication. Listen to this week’s show and learn: 03:24 What to do when you've run out of money to buy property for yourself. 06:42 Joe worked a full-time job for less than minimum wage. Later, he invested $1,000 in a bank CD. 09:20 Starting out buying rental homes in Dallas-Fort Worth. 15:10 How to help ensure that a property manager treats you well. 17:47 A good explanation of a real estate syndication. 20:05 How Joe raised money for a 168-unit apartment building when he’s never owned any multifamily property before. 25:25 The kind of investor returns that are typical in a syndication. 32:03 100% LTV HELOCs on your primary residence are available at a major national bank. 32:55 Impactful message from a GRE listener. 36:28 Rich Dad Advisors appear on GRE next week. Resources mentioned: Equity Happens book Quotiful app The Social Capitalist book JoeFairless.com and the Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever podcast InternationalCoffeeFarms.com (ICFC) One qualifies for the ICFC $1,000 discount per coffee parcel by e-mailing Coffee@GetRichEducation.com a submitting paperwork to ICFC by July 31, 2015. An additional 30 days is allowed to fund. See the new website at GetRichEducation.com Download the GRE Android App at Google Play and keep the GRE icon right on your phone’s home screen! We would be grateful if you wrote a review! Here’s how to write one at: iTunes, Stitcher, and Android!