29: What’s Your “One Thing?” with Don Hobbs
#29: Don Hobbs of “The One Thing” speaking tour tells us how to create more time and happiness in our lives. Listen to this week’s show and learn: 02:33 Listener feedback. They’re acting toward changing their lives. 06:06 Turnkey real estate investing. 11:03 Don Hobbs interview begins. 13:03 What is “The One Thing” that you do that will make everything else in your life easier? 16:05 Aspire to your best-and-highest use. 17:12 “The Domino Principle” optimizes your efficiency. 20:20 Multi-Tasking is a waste! 21:44 Time Blocking. Resources mentioned: The One Thing live training webinars The One Thing – book International Coffee Farms – cash-flowing coffee farms where you own the land Jim Rohn Kassandra Taggart Boltman’s book Mid South Home Buyers – Memphis turnkey property Join the GRE Facebook Page at Facebook.com/GetRichEducation Just launched - the GRE podcast Android App!