23: Podcasting Behind The Scenes with John Lee Dumas f/ The Dave Ramsey Show
#23: John Lee Dumas, likely the world’s best-known podcaster, joins us today. John has grown the popular Entrepreneur On Fire podcast to generate several million dollars of revenue every year. Listen to this week’s show and learn: 02:31 Keith is on a mission to turn more “nobodies” into “somebody” than anybody. 04:10 A great tip for those that manage their own investment properties. 05:15 Keith is picky with whom he has on the show, and why he arranges episodes in a certain order to best serve you. 07:09 Why Get Rich Education chooses to release episodes on Fridays. 07:51 The Get Rich Education podcast is a money loser. Keith opens up with how he feels about podcasting. 11:21 The importance of relationships. Attend events in-person. 12:32 John Lee Dumas has pushed the limits of the podcasting frontier and helps others start podcasting with Podcasters Paradise. 15:31 John Lee Dumas makes his debut on Get Rich Education. 18:25 Why John began podcasting and how he does a show 7 days a week! 23:25 When John began, he was an awful podcaster. 26:20 Keith and John discuss the difference between “success” and “significance”. 29:14 John’s favorite internet resource that will help you maximize your “Return On Time Invested”. 32:04 John’s real estate investing experience. Resources mentioned: EntrepreneurOnFire.com EOfire.com/income Podcasters Paradise Schedule Once Get a free audiobook a 30-day free trial at AudibleTrial.com/GetRichEducation Join the Facebook Page at Facebook.com/GetRichEducation Now on Twitter! Follow us: @GetRichEd