Ep. 10 - The Signal (Audio Commentary)
Episode Notes
This audio commentary was created for Prototype World of Tomorrow's Patreon supporters! Make sure you've listened to "The Signal" recently before listening to this commentary.
Find out more about supporting the show at https://www.patreon.com/prototypeworldoftomorrow
The Holidays have come to Progress. And maybe something else...
This episode of Prototype World of Tomorrow is written and directed by Benjamin Lancaster.
- Eve Moore......Callie Wills
- Tim Less......Brian Ballance
- Carol Wood......Jan Welch
- Annie Moore......Isa Jones
- Beau......Jerry Skids
- Bonnie......John Saccheri
- Progress Security......How Bowers
- Monorail Conductor......Dakota Myers
- The Chime Voice......Jaclyn Thomas
The featured soloist is Theresa Hui.
Associate Producer, Naomi Addison Theme music by trash-chan, Zsótér Zita Creator, producer and showrunner, Benjamin Lancaster