Episode #179 Genius Secrets of Being A Reluctant Real Estate Investor!
Did you know ... the more you chase sellers of real estate, the faster they run? And if these sellers are running away it makes it real hard to do deals with them, right? So how do you get them to stop running? In this podcast we plan to show you the very hidden secret no one else is teaching you on how to become a deal magnet. Make these simple an subtle changed and you will notice a major paradigm shift in how many deals you will attract and get accepted. Without all of the hard work and extra learning to do it. In fact, it is so simple to make deals these days, even a teenage video coach potato can do it - and make a fortune. And believe it or not ... if you apply what Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse do in real estate, you will have a line of deals waiting for you to work on and get big checks from, as I said ... NO ONE is teaching this. So grab a pencil and paper to take some notes in this very unique episode! Click Here For A Bunch Of FREE Goodies:http://podcast.flippinghousesforrookies.com/_HC9cKHA