Episode #169 The Insider's Secrets On How We Do "Subject To" Deal Structuring
Once you give yourself permission to have this powerful, yet misunderstood way of acquiring property ... you will soon realize this perceived unpopular strategy will perform miracles for your financial future! In this podcast, I expect to help you shake off any confusions and distractions so that you can shed all of your doubts and bad advice on taking over a deed while leaving the loan in your sellers name As in any industry, here are certain strategies involved with buying and selling that lead to the most beneficial outcomes. However, before you can apply these 'tricks-of-the-trade" you have to be confident in your own mind how they work. For that reason, along with this strategy being the most hidden in America (which we will explain), we are going to unfold it right in front of your eyes so you can have perfect 20/20 vision on it and start using this amazing knowledge tomorrow! Click Here For A Bunch Of FREE Goodies:http://podcast.flippinghousesforrookies.com/_HC9cKHA