WIP 67: Attention To Detail In A Long-Term Deal | Alex Joungblood pt. 2
We learned in Episode 65 that Alex Joungblood is a Wholesaling ninja and the man behind one of the best free Wholesaling resources on the web: the Wholesaling Houses Full Time Facebook Group. Today we’re digging into one of his biggest deals, which wasn’t necessarily an easy deal to close. Investor Girt a Alex Joungblood are giving away something special: head over to investorgrit.com/WHFT to take advantage of it. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: The importance of your WHY Why the most successful Wholesalers help solve people’s problems Why you can’t make a sale if your lead doesn't have a fly away plan RESOURCES: Listen to the Real Estate Investing Mastery podcast Join Alex’s Facebook Group: Wholesaling Houses Full TIme The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months by Brian P. Moran a Michael Lennington