WIP 24: How to Outsmart Your Competition!
Would you like to discover a strategy that brings you 5 to 7 deals a month? I’m talking about a “Ninja” tactic that practically nobody knows about! Today’s guest, Brent Daniels, is KILLING it in his Wholesaling business and is going to reveal his secrets, in depth. He’ll show you exactly what he is doing (the formula is pretty simple) and how he discovered it. This method is a surefire way to outsmart your competition with ease. To find success in this business you must ALWAYS be willing to think outside the box and do things that others aren’t willing to do. Brent has built his business for 3 years now and in this episode you will learn how he got started and why he has found SUPERNATURAL success in his wholesaling business! You will also discover what he refers to as “active marketing”, what his pipeline looks like, and how he stays determined and motivated. This episode is a game changer and will get you out there knocking doors and calling anyone you can to make some deals. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: How one book made him take the plunge into real estate How he tripled his income just by joining the tribe What he is doing RIGHT NOW that is making him so successful Passive vs Active Marketing Best way to do driving dollars The “Secret” to cold-calling like a boss The elements of a pre-qualified lead Success ratio for every call Why follow up will make or break this kind of marketing How many deals does he really get??? What a deal looks like for Brent How he earned an easy $29,000 on this deal! Changing perspective in your business What he would have done differently if he had to start from scratch and so much more... For more AWESOME information on Wholesaling houses head over to www.investorgrit.com and get on our mailing list. We regularly send out FREE content designed to help you EXPLODE your Real Estate investing business! And if you're ready to stop "learning" about Wholesaling and actually START MAKING MONEY Wholesaling, click on the coaching tab and book a FREE strategy session with our team. Our tribe has produced more successful Wholesaling "Rhinos" than practically any other tribe we know of. Stop learning and start earning! See you next time!