WIP 04: Is this (NEW) Marketing Channel the Future of Wholesaling? Part 1
As Wholesalers, we're always looking for more deals. If we don't have deals, we don't have a business! If you are like most other Wholesalers, you are utilizing any number of different marketing channels. It could be direct mail, bandit signs, door hangers, post it notes, driving for dollars or all of the above! In today's episode, Cody talks about an exciting new marketing channel that very well be the FUTURE of Wholesaling. With this new channel, Cody was recently able to do one of his biggest deals to date, which was over $73,000!! If you want to hear the details on that MONSTER deal, go back and listen to Episode 03 of the Podcast. Cody's guest shares how he uses this marketing channel to find motivated sellers with laser precision, like a Sniper. If you are a Wholesaler who has been searching for "The Next Big Thing", you can't afford to miss this episode. Just be sure to keep it on the down low:-) For more AWESOME information on Wholesaling houses head over to www.investorgrit.com and get on our mailing list. We regularly send out FREE content designed to help you EXPLODE your Real Estate investing business! And if you're ready to stop "learning" about Wholesaling and actually START MAKING MONEY Wholesaling, click on the coaching tab and book a FREE strategy session with our team. Our tribe has produced more successful Wholesaling "Rhinos" than practically any other tribe we know of. Stop learning and start earning! See you next time!