Facebook's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week
On What’d You Miss This Week, Joe Weisenthal, Scarlet Fu and Julia Chatterley tackled Facebook's existential crisis. Techonomy CEO and "The Facebook Effect" author David Kirkpatrick came on to talk about how the social media giant's hiccups are becoming a pattern and why their system failures will keep screwing society. They kept the Facebook conversation going with Citigroup Managing Director and Chief Global Political Analyst Tina Fordham. Tina discussed why this latest breach of data and trust will add to the pressing problem of low trust in institutions and may lead people to question the fairness of all future elections. Then retired professional poker player Annie Duke, Author of "Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts" switched up the conversation and discussed her new book and why life is more like poker than a game of chess.