4. Filmmakers Vs. Film Festivals with Brian Netto, Adam Schindler, Heidi Honeycutt, a Miguel Rodriguez!
Join us as we begin with filmmakers Brian Netto a Adam Schindler on working under horror legend Sam Raimi for Quibi's 50 States of Fright and then we start the 1st in our VERSUS series pitting Brian and Adam against film festival directors Heidi Honeycutt (Etheria Film Night) and Miguel Rodriguez (Horrible Imaginings Film Festival) in a discussion on pitfalls and successes of filmmakers and festivals dealing with each other! If you're interested in the ins and outs of film festivals and how to navigate them, this is the conversation you should hear! Pick up the My Favorite Horror Movie Books: https://www.blackvortexcinema.com/ Subscribe to our Podcast: iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/my-favorite-horror-movie/id1508862545 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/28RJFiiGPLFUSfDz1oY1L7 Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/my-favorite-horror-movie Podbean: https://myfavoritehorrormovie.podbean.com/ Subscribe here for more episodes coming very soon!