WOMEN INFLUENCING POST PRODUCTION #10.5 - Interview with Jazz Williams
This past week we interrupted our scheduled programming to support voices of color in our community. Last Thursday, we went live on Instagram for the first time with special guest Jazz Williams to talk about diversity in filmmaking, and the need for paving pathways of inclusion in our industry. Please forgive some glitches in the audio, as recording while on Instagram had it's peculiarities. Jazz and I met through a collaboration with Mezcla Media Collective. You can connect with Jazz on Instagram and Twitter at @jazzaej. Quick bio: “Jazz Williams is a non-binary queer writer and video editor from the south side of Chicago. Early on they knew they wanted to be involved in the film and television industry in some way. They began their career in youth media as the engineer, producer and editor for the HoopsHIGH program on the west side of Chicago. In 2016, they relocated with their son and wife to Madison, WI where they had the opportunity to be an engineer and editor at PBS. Currently, they reside in Chicago with their family and work as a freelance video editor.”