Curtis Armstrong is a cool nerd
Famous actor Curtis Armstrong has a face and voice you know! He played Booger on Revenge of the Nerds in the 80s and is on TV now in New Girl and American Dad. He shares juicy stories about top Hollywood actors, reflects on fame, acting and rejection. We talk stalkers + creepers, missed opportunities, Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis, John Cusack, Jeremy Piven, Reservoir Dogs + more. Plus he has a few AHA! moments. Get a shout-out from Kara: Behind-the-scenes photos - Support the show for $3 - Insider news - Twitter - @kara1to1 Instagram - @reallyfamouspodcast Facebook - @karamayerrobinson Take our 2-minute survey - Talk to Kara - click here Celebrity interview by Kara Mayer Robinson Music-Take a Chance-Kevin MacLeod-incompetech-Creative Commons