14: JESS HARNELL interview (Animaniacs, The Looney Tunes Show, Rock Sugar)
August’s Interview: Jess Harnell Jess Harnell is a multi-talented voice actor and singer for Rock Sugar. My favorite Jess character is without a doubt Wakko from Animaniacs, but that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his extraordinary talent behind the mic. Listen as Tim and Jess talk about Animaniacs, Disneyland, America's Funniest Home Videos, Bryan Adams and much much more! Don't forget to enter in my monthly contest! This month I will be giving away Volume 3 of Animaniacs on DVD! Contest ends August 31, 2013. You can enter here: www.hitrockbottom.org/saturdaymorningrewind.html. (podcast intro recorded by Larry Kenney from the original Thundercats) PLEASE rate me on iTunes. Find me online: www.hitrockbottom.org/saturdaymorningrewind.html And FOLLOW me on Facebook and Twitter!