Ep3: Oliver Murray/Director
#FilmGodsPodcast Ollie is a writer and director living in London. His path should be a beacon for those aspiring directors wanting to make a living from their passion. Art school, move to London, join a production company and he made as many opportunities for himself as he could. His last two major works have been music documentaries, one of which is very hush hush as its coming out summer 2020. ALSO, it's the Film Gods first ever exclusive!!! "Ronnie's" is a feature length documentary - the story of Ronnie Scott and his legendary jazz club in London. We spoke about some of the elements he managed to unearth and its going to be incredible, especially for fans of good music and jazz. www.olliemurray.com www.orofenafilms.com Enjoy, subscribe and share. Big love x Isusko www.thetimescheduler.com #podcast #filmcrew #filminterview #filmgods #filmstudent