Marketing 101 | Where do I begin? What do I need to do before I start marketing my business?
Before you start driving traffic to your website and investing serious time and money into marketing your business, these are a few things you need to have in place.
You don’t want to miss:
- The one thing that has the power to toy with your customers’ emotions, build brand advocates and sell your product or service for you.
- Why your website needs to be as slick as possible (plus, some quick tips on how to simplify your website and boost conversions).
- What you need to know about your target audience and how this will influence everything you do - from content creation to social media marketing.
- How to describe your product or service so that you get more sales, and make sure that people are buying from you - not your competitors.
- How to keep on the front foot and make sure you’re consistently showing up for your audience, marketing your business effectively and moving closer to achieving your business goals.
Plus, if you’ve ever felt like an impostor - the last point I touch on is a must-listen. We all feel that impostor syndrome in business from time to time. It’s how you deal with it that matters!
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