Mechinations 130 - Carwash Magnetic Coating Application (Gundam 0079 Eps. 39-40 Discussion)
Ignis is joined this week by Meg (@fay0ra on twitter) to discussion this newtype-stravaganza!
After introducing the cohost, together they tackle the vibes from the Char/Lalah relationship and how that doesn't seem to interfere with the shift in priorities for the show. They are dismayed at the Magnetic Coating upgrades at the Gundam, but tickled at the way everyone harasses Lalah for her big smock.
Episode 39 Summary/Thoughts: 29:17
Episode 40 Summary/Thoughts: 1:21:30
No intro disc again this week, due to introducing the guest host! Looking to participate? Send in questions about the podcast, anime to cover, First Gundam, or what have you to, or tweet at us @MechinationsPod!