Dave and Lou Elsey: Revenge of the Sith's Makeup Effects Team
In this episode we are talking to Dave and Lou Elsey, the makeup effects team behind Revenge of the Sith, whose work was nominated for an Academy Award. The Elsey's talk about everything: from meeting Rick Baker to their early work on Farscape to, of course, getting the call from Rick McCallum to work on Episode 3. We go through it all: Palpatine's transformation, Anakin's burns and the reintroduction of Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca. We even get into the (in)famous Hyperspace Webcam and their Obi-Wan Kenobi mannequin. For more information and updates about their latest project starring Rick Baker, with previous guest Don Bies, check out their website: KeeptheGaslightBurning.com. And if you want to see some great gallery images of their incredible work, as well, head on over to their website, IgorStudios.com, for more. Thanks for tuning in and, until next Wednesday, may the Force be with us! For more behind-the-scenes stuff, as well as a link to some of our other in-depth interviews, check out: Website: www.TalkingBay94.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/TalkingBay94 Instagram: www.instagram.com/TalkingBay94