What is Talking Bay 94?
This is a Star Wars podcast featuring the people who actually made Star Wars happen. This is a Star Wars podcast, simply, that interviews the people who were in Star Wars, who wrote for Star Wars, who lived Star Wars. And, depending on when you listen to this, we’re releasing this on an important day in Star Wars history. May 25, 2018 marks the 35th anniversary of Return of the Jedi. Besides a few small pieces of Disney Store memorabilia, Lucasfilm has been surprisingly quiet surrounding the milestone. Especially amongst the rest of the movies, Jedi feels often overlooked. So the first few episodes of the podcast will be a mini-season of their own, interviewing some of the cast and crew from Return of the Jedi, celebrating that 35 years ago they were in a dimly lit studio in London that doubled as Jabba’s Palace or suffering through the scorching heat of the Yuma desert as creatures on Jabba’s Sail Barge. Our first and second interviews, released today, are a nice complement to each other: Corey Dee Williams and Stephen Costantino were bandmates in 1982, traveling together to the sail barge set in Arizona and ended being a part of the Star Wars universe. Their stories are unlike anyone else’s who were in Star Wars: fish-out-of-water tales, focused on friendship. If you have George Lucas’ email address, send it along. Otherwise, we’ll be plotting a course and figuring it out along the way. Thanks for tuning in and may the Force be with us! For more behind-the-scenes stuff, as well as a link to some of our other in-depth interviews, check out: Website: www.TalkingBay94.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/TalkingBay94 Our theme music is composed by Austin-based Michael Meadows. You can find more of his work at: www.twitter.com/notablueberry