Home Alone 3
We're celebrating Christmas in May here at The Good, The Bad, And The Sequel (We know it's not a real thing....play along) because we are discussing 1997's Home Alone 3. Of course you remember Kevin McAllister being left alone and the sticky/wet bandits try to get him, but you will soon find out Alex Pruitt is far superior home protector. Hosts Doug and Jamie will breakdown this John Hughes film that could also have been called "Rear Window: For Kids." This movie's got talking parrots, bad guys with guns, and some amazing traps. Follow us on twitter @sequelsonly so you can tell us your thoughts and follow Doug @dougdietzcomedy Next week Doug has not 1, but 2 interviews for you. Lenny von Dohlen who plays Burton Jernigen, one of the four crooks, has been acting for over 35 years and has been so much amazing stuff. Cult Classics like Electric Dreams and his role as Harold Smith on Twin Peaks. Lenny was so interesting and had some things in common with Doug which was a great connection early on in the conversation. Then Doug had the chance to interview Kevin Kilner who played Jack Pruitt, Alex's Dad. Kevin was D1 lacrosse national champion at John Hopkins and didn't realize he wanted to act until few years after college, but we are all lucky he decided to. He was on a great short lived CBS series opposite Nancy Travis called "Almost Perfect." He is most known for a short scene in "American Pie 2" where he was the dad with the walkie talkies and a Frasier episode called "Roz and the Schnozz." He has some eye opening stories about his career and really loves what he does. If you are a looking for a theme song like the one you heard, reach out to Nightlife Audio and ask for James at www.nightlifeaudio.com