The Future of Film S2:EP11 - Morgana McKenzie
There is no end to the praise I have for Morgana’s talents, except to say that what I have witnessed is surely just the beginning, and I should use my words sparingly because no doubt there will be many more opportunities to commend her considerable gifts as she continues to pursue her passion. And what passion it is! Morgana made the most of her All American eligibility, submitting exemplary productions over four consecutive years from 2014 to 2017 while earning consistent award nominations as well as wins for her 2015 music video “We All Go the Same” and her 2017 horror short “Atlas World.” Morgana’s early work highlighted her visionary style - overwhelmingly prolific, utterly unique, and always loaded with a haunting atmosphere. Year after year as a young filmmaker, she delighted us with her brave technique and storytelling savvy, stretching and sprawling meticulously developed story concepts across the screen that included a level of production rarely seen, and even more rarely mastered, by our community. Watching a Morgana McKenzie film is like visiting a darker, twisted dimension just out of sight - a nightmarish fantasy realm where the realities of the human condition are ruthlessly exposed and preyed upon by our deepest fears and anxieties. Her visions are unsettling, brutal, and penetrating - grounded by an unwavering attention to detail and authenticity, and elevated by a highly artistic instinct for evoking the sheer power of tension through tone. Her films swell with suspense at every turn, the sense of things unseen overwhelms the viewer even as the cinematography offers a constant palette of incredibly inspiring, soaring imagery. Even when you are completely immersed in her worlds, you cannot help but wonder… how did she get that shot, let alone envision the idea in the first place. She really is that tuned in and talented, her work that stunning to witness as it reverberates up and down your spine... For more info: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast: