Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man - Part 1 (with Bob Rose)
Repeat offender Bob Rose returns to the show to talk a little bit about Harley Davison and the Marlboro Man (1991) and a lotta bit about Michael Bay. Like, a whole lot about Michael Bay. Too much about Michael Bay. Also, we touch on the toxically masculine heroes of the 80s as well as the ever-looming specter of our own deaths. It’s a blast! You can find all of Bob’s work at https://www.youtube.com/thundergrunt, but if you want to dive feet first in to the weird shit, check out the entire Sodamilk playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfmwmb-4QAFGgfMFAng8xor7UE1dDi7vI Finally, don’t forget to send Bob some hassling messages every day until he produces that Sodamilk boxed set he promised me all those years ago.