32.The End of the Clone Wars Episodes 11a12 Season 7
The time has come... We are truly sad. Thank you Dave Filoni for this journey you took us on. This season even with its ups and down left us feels the feelings that only Star Wars can make. This episode we covers episodes 11 a 12 of clone war season 7. -Follow us on Social Media www.instagram.com/konkonscantina/ www.facebook.com/KonKonsCantina/ www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpJwX4A0U-a6ZW-k77P3Sw -Apple Podcast podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/konk…na/id1487376119 -SoundCloud @user-314265616 -YouTube www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpJwX4A0U-a6ZW-k77P3Sw -Spotify open.spotify.com/show/2lnMkZy57EdHJ8wud33bdN -Sticher www.stitcher.com/podcast/konkons-cantina -Google Podcast play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#…xn3y36ma2uodjj6su #KonKonsCantina -Instagram @Konkonscantina -Twitter @Konkonscantina -SoundCloud @user-314265616 -IG @iTzKonKon @Ju5tinb4k3r Music Produced by : Aries Beats - www.youtube.com/c/ariesbeats Promoted by : CRFC - www.youtube.com/channel/UCQLZ...