30.Clone Wars Season 7 Episodes 9a10!
WE BACK! So excited to be here and talk to you about The Clone Wars season 7 episodes 9a10! Episodes did NOT let us down, we're hype! Spoilers of course, these really pulled through. -Follow us on Social Media www.instagram.com/konkonscantina/ www.facebook.com/KonKonsCantina/ www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpJwX4A0U-a6ZW-k77P3Sw -Apple Podcast podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/konk…na/id1487376119 -SoundCloud @user-314265616 -YouTube www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpJwX4A0U-a6ZW-k77P3Sw -Spotify open.spotify.com/show/2lnMkZy57EdHJ8wud33bdN -Sticher www.stitcher.com/podcast/konkons-cantina -Google Podcast play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#…xn3y36ma2uodjj6su #KonKonsCantina -Instagram @Konkonscantina -Twitter @Konkonscantina -SoundCloud @user-314265616 -IG @iTzKonKon @Ju5tinb4k3r Music Produced by : Aries Beats - www.youtube.com/c/ariesbeats Promoted by : CRFC - www.youtube.com/channel/UCQLZ...