28. F.R.I.E.N.D.S. of the Cantina
Today we decided to release an episode we have had completed for a few weeks. It was recorded before the COVID-19 outbreak, so don't worry about us all being together for the episode. The Cantina Crew is joined by Liz Baker (Justin's Wife) and Monica Gripp, the two biggest fans of FRIENDS you will ever hear. We get in deep on the now classic tv show, what it meant to us, and our favorite parts. Also Justin and Liz team up and tell a hilarious embarrassing story about their honeymoon. #KonKonsCantina -Facebook www.facebook.com/konkonscantina -Instagram @Konkonscantina -Twitter @Konkonscantina -SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/user-314265616 -Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/konkons-cantina/id1487376119 @iTzKonKon @Ju5tinb4k3r