Discover your Strengths
Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. -Henry Ford Happy New Year! There is always something about turning the calendar that brings renewed hope. The crew discusses their word for the year, discovering your strengths and bringing out the best in your teams - family, business or community teams. To discover your Stand Out Strengths by Marcus Buckingham click here: See us on the weekly Empowered Living show at noon on Thursday. We’re always looking for the story of Breaking Average from the communities that we serve that the world that our listeners are involved in. If you know of a leader out there who is Breaking Average, in the way that they lead, the way that they serve their communities, their organizations, the leaders around them, we'd love for you to go to let us know of a leader that you think we should talk to as well. Purchase the Breaking Average book by clicking here: Connect with your Breaking Average Crew: Paul Gustavson, Mike Harbour, Diane Caine a Rick Morris Produced by Rick A. Morris with R2 Multimedia, LLC