#40 - Why I Need Your Feedback a Insight For This Podcast

Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. On today’s daily call, Show 40 which is crazy that we’re already a little over a month into this, I need your feedback and insight from this podcast. Now, I truly, truly ask please do not skip this. Don’t just think that this is a different type of show and I’m just literally asking for a feedback because I am. But I think you should really give me a bunch of feedback on different topics and questions that you want answered in the show because we’re literally doing this every single day. For me, it’s first come first serve and I also want to know what types of topics need to be covered because we can quickly cover them over a very short period of time. We’ve already done 40 episodes which is crazy and we have lots and lots of plans for the next basically two years worth of content and I want to try to fill those gaps and fill in places with your questions, your topics that you want to see covered, your insights that you want commented on, but I don’t have the ability to do that unless you actually let me know. There’s a couple of ways you can let me know. One, you can just let me know via email. Our email is kirk@optionalpha.com. You can submit a contact form on the webpage if you just go to optionalpha.com then just support center and contact us. You can hit me up on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram or YouTube or wherever you want to hit us up at, at optionalpha.com. Drop me a line. Leave me a comment. Let me know what topics you want to see. In fact, if you want super, super brownie points for doing this, just shoot me an email with like a bullet-pointed list of trading questions that you have and try to keep them short and concise as always, but questions that you want answered. Shoot me an email with that bullet point list and I will definitely make sure that we get those added to the daily call schedule here, so we can get those questions answered for you. Again, I hope you guys are enjoying this. If you like the format, let me know any questions or feedback. I’ve definitely been enjoying it. It’s really good. I think just this slow and quick insight everyday is really helpful. It’s been good for me just to do this. I love podcasting as a medium. Hopefully our enthusiasm and a little bit of the logic and thought process is coming through here and also a little bit of motivation and self-help and improvement because that’s something I want to talk about as well as we keep going forward and I think that that psychology aspect though it’s traditionally missed in most of our courses because we don’t focus on it is really, really important here. Also, just as a one final note, if you guys have enjoyed this so far, please help us spread the word by sharing podcast episodes with your friends or family or coworkers and more importantly, by leaving us a rating and a review on iTunes or Google Play or wherever you’re listening to right now because that just helps us get the word out, it helps us spread our message and it helps us reach more people who are just like you. Until next time, happy trading!

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