#26 - Live Video Examples Of Options Trading

Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about examples of options trading. This is a topic that comes up often and I get some variation of this when I get emails from people, when people leave me voicemails, but they want to see more examples. What we actually did a long time ago and we’ve continued to update this pretty much every other week, we add just another batch of trades to it, is we’ve had this board of live options trading videos. Although I don’t want to ever do, nor do I have the time to actually consistently every single day say between 11:00 and 12:00 or whatever the case is, I’m going to make live trades because I just don’t know if I’m actually going to get filled, I don’t know if my kids are going to be sleeping or whatever the case is. What I have done though is I have just started to hit record on my screen and then I just go through a trade. I make a trade start to finish, from analysis to picking out the strikes, the month, pricing it, getting it filled, sitting around, waiting on screen to get it filled because that’s sometimes what happens. Sometimes it gets filled right away, sometimes we’re there just waiting for it to get filled for a little bit before it gets in. But I think this is probably the best representation online for sure of anybody just doing a bunch of live trading. We’ve added this to the website and it’s actually been up there for a while now, but I just wanted to explain what it is because I think it’s really, really valuable. It’s all free, by the way. You don’t have to pay anything to get it. It’s just part of what we offer at Option Alpha. But any time that we make trades and I record those screens of it, we’ll post them up there. There’s everything from opening, closing, adjusting trades, trades that were winners, trades that were losers, trades that were scratches, meaning we didn’t make any money or lose any money or maybe was near expiration. We’ve also gone through assignment of stock on there, basically recording videos right after we get assigned stock and how we deal with it. We’ve done credit spreads, calendars, iron condors, iron butterflies, straddles, strangles, diagonals, the whole deal. It’s all literally up there. We’ve got a couple of dozen right now, I think like 60 something videos up there. We’re going to add another batch of about 60 or so here in the next week or two. We’re just literally constantly going to pad this thing with as much information as we can, so that you guys can see in real-time how I go through it. I walk through the whole process on the screen. You can watch over my shoulders to some degree and watch us make trades. Really, that’s the best way you learn. That is probably one of the best ways that I would potentially learn how to trade options, is just watching somebody do it and getting familiar with it. That’s like going in, learning how to build a house. You don’t just read how to build a house online. You go and you watch somebody build a house. You see what they do and how they swing the hammer and where they put things. That’s probably the best way that you can learn. That’s why we put this thing together. Again, head on over to the website, just search “live trading” or head on over to the education section. It’s all in there. It’s all free. It will always be free for you guys to use. The only thing that we ask is just again, if it’s really helpful, let us know or share it online and help spread the word. Until next time, happy trading!

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