#22 - My Wife's Thoughts On Investing
Kirk: Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again. On today’s daily call, I just invited my wife over and I want to ask her a question. Emily: Oh, okay. Hi. I did not know that this was happening. I thought you wanted to show me something. Kirk: Yeah, I want to show you that I’m doing a recording now and you’re going to be part of the podcast here. Emily: What’s up, Option Alpha peeps! Kirk: That’s so ridiculous. Okay, let me ask you this. When it comes to investing, what’s the most important thing? Like any investing, what’s the most important thing somebody can do? Emily: Something that they can do or something…? Kirk: I don’t know. When I say to you like what is the most important thing in investing because you had invested in real estate. You do all of our real estate stuff and I soundboard all of my stuff from you, so what’s the most important thing that people can do in investing? I know. You got a show on the spot. Emily: I’m nervous. You have me on the spot because I want to be Switzerland and not make any kind of comment. Kirk: I know that. I know, but you have to though. Emily: I know. I think the most important thing you can do is to educate yourself in that avenue. I’m going to just split this up into two because you know me and I can never make up my mind. Kirk: So, two most important things. Emily: I think the one thing that you need to do is educate yourself in the manner which you’re going to invest. Don’t just blindly wake up one day like I know, even though Kirk is a big options trader, he has tried to teach me many times and I still… Kirk: But you know nothing. Emily: I just know he relates it to insurance contracts, but I’m not even really sure what that means. Kirk: I’ve tried to tell her to go through the tracks, but she doesn’t do it. Emily: Yes, I don’t have time right now. Kirk: Yeah. Emily: But I would say I would never just jump in and start throwing money into options trading because I don’t understand it and I don’t know it, so I think you need to educate yourself in whatever avenue that you want to go. I think when it comes to actually performing or putting your money into something, I think you really have to pay attention to the return and what is it going to yield you and how risky of an investment is it. Kirk: Would you say that if something is going to yield you a lot of money, but it’s really risky, would you do it? Emily: Myself? Kirk: Right. Emily: Probably not. Kirk: Okay. Emily: But there are people out there who are riskier than I am. Kirk: What’s the tradeoff then? Is it more important to…? Emily: I like more consistent which now I feel like I sound like you. What’s your little tagline? “Consistent, more profitable trades.” Kirk: Thanks. Thanks for making fun of my tagline. Emily: I’m not making fun of it. I just happen to say it. Kirk: That’s okay. It’s good. This is live. Emily: This is why we do well with our investing because we both are congruent in the sense of we like maybe a little bit less, but more consistent. Kirk: I was going to say – Do you think it’s more important to make money or keep money? Emily: Keep money. Kirk: Yeah? Emily: But you have to make money to be able to keep money, so there’s a tradeoff. Kirk: Okay, that didn’t make sense. Emily: Well, you can’t keep money if you’re not making money. Then you have nothing to keep. Kirk: Well, yeah. I’m saying once you have it… Emily: You have to make money in order for you to keep money. Kirk: Well, once you have it, what’s more important? Keeping it or growing it? Emily: Well, growing is totally different than making it. Kirk: Okay. Emily: Growing it. You got to grow it. Kirk: Yeah? Emily: Yeah. Kirk: See. This is why we work so well together because you are like a shark. I mean, you are very… Sometimes, sometimes can be pretty aggressive with investing and I have to pair you back. Emily: Oh, I don’t know about that. Kirk: Let me go back to the first thing. Emily: [Inaudible] real estate because I know real estate. Kirk: No, no, no. Let me go back. This is a good segue. In real estate, you said you have to know what you’re investing in. When you started in real estate and we have many properties before… Emily: Okay. Now, you’re making me look like a fool one. Kirk: No, no, no. I’m saying when you started in real estate, you knew nothing about real estate. Emily: I did and so, I… Kirk: And you took it upon yourself to learn almost everything you could before we bought properties. Emily: The second one. Kirk: Right. Yeah. Emily: The first one, I blindly invested, but I blindly invested because I had you who I knew, knew what you were doing. I didn’t. I was just excited to renovate the property and do the interior design. But it was after we brought the first one and I started to understand and comprehend this whole investing and return and how that all works. That’s when I took it upon myself to learn as much as I could because I didn’t want to lose our money. Kirk: Right. I know. Emily: Not that you would let us lose our money. Kirk: No. And you teach me things now by real estate that I didn’t know, so that’s good. Emily: Yeah. Kirk: Cool. Thanks for joining the daily call. Emily: Oh gosh. I probably just… Kirk: Well, see… Emily: People go away like, “Who is this [Inaudible]?” Kirk: No, no, no. Everyone has been inviting you on. Now, we get the first glimpse and we’ll have you on and ask you more important stuff. Emily: Yeah. Apparently, Kirk is going to have me on a podcast, but I don’t know what we’re going to talk about. Kirk: We’re going to be on a couple of podcast. Sounds good. Emily: Okay. Kirk: Until next time. Emily: Happy trading!