#3 - Don't Burn Yourself Out Learning Everything At Once

In yesterday's daily call, we talked about risking everything to be successful and I want to follow up on that today because I also want to tell you that you shouldn't burn yourself out by trying to learn everything at once. There's being very, very aggressive in getting this hustle mentality that you probably see all over the place, but there's also being strategic and smart about how you learn. One of the things that we've done at Option Alpha and this is bred into or built into our courses is that we take everything in stages or chunks and there's lots of trading modules and courses, there's a couple of different tracks that you can go through because I don't want you to go through 72 videos at one time or in a couple of days and just brain-dump all of this information. Don't burn yourself out on learning everything at once. What I suggest you do if you want to be successful in doing anything (This is what I found personally, so I don't know what other people say. This is what I found personally) is you hone in on a couple of topics and then dig deep into those topics over the course of a couple of days, take a break and then dig into another topic. For example: You would learn as much as you can about iron condors for a couple of days. Learn maybe the first day just generally what the setups are then the second day, how to trade them in different securities or look at a couple of videos, live trading videos on what iron condors look like when you enter them, then the next day, it's all about closing, so watch all the videos on how to close an iron condor, how to maybe leg out of an iron condor if you want to do it, then another day, it's on adjustments for iron condors. You're taking these things in bite-size pieces, so that you're not overwhelming yourself and you're learning with a strategic focus in mind. I think that's the best way to learn and that's honestly applicable to anything as far as I'm concerned, so hopefully you guys enjoy that and take it with a grain of salt. Don't burn yourself out. Definitely risk everything like we talked about in the last episode. Go all in on this. Make a commitment to be successful, but don't burn yourself out. Take it in strategic chunks, so that you retain the information and can move forward and not do two steps forward and one step back. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this. We'll talk to you soon. Happy trading!

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