Creating Disney Magic
A special guest this week is my father, Lee Cockerell, who is the retired Executive VP of Disney World. We pulled some questions to ask him. A leadership lesson Lee learned from being a parent is being clear and setting expectations. He says you need to be willing to have the hard discussions. Lee continues to have the drive to develop himself he says mostly out of fear of failure. He loves helping people in their situations and says that if you know something you should go out an teach it. As you get older, you gain more experience and you have to make the decision if you’re going to hold that to yourself or give it back. Legacy is the only thing you can leave behind. Everyone needs to know their vision and purpose. Everyone has a function to help society. No matter what job you have, you matter and knowing your purpose will change the way you do things. Lee shares the toughest situations he’s been in and one of the hardest for him is when having to terminate an employee. Life advice Lee would give to his grandkids - don’t underestimate what you can achieve in life and the influence you have on other people. Don’t miss the chance to connect with Lee. Here are some places where you can find him: -Lee’s podcast - Creating Disney Magic -Lee on the Web - -Lee’s book - Creating Magic -Lee on Twitter - @LeeCockerell -Lee on Instagram - @leecockerellmagic -Lee on Facebook - Lee Cockerell