32. Yelp Quick Tips with Lindsey Couch
Today we are excited to have Lindsey Couch, one of our 2020 Faces of Sola, on the show to share some quick tips about marketing your salon on Yelp. Lindsey is a big Yelp advocate and believes many salon owners are missing opportunities if you aren’t leaning into the powerful, free marketing from Yelp. Tune in to hear Lindsey talk about how she got started with Yelp, how her salon made it to the number 3 position in her city, and how many new clients she gets each week from Yelp while spending $0 on Yelp advertising. She always shares tips for anyone who is ready to get started setting up your Yelp page for the first time. Still not sure if Yelp is right for you? Lindsey talks about how to overcome that fear of that dreaded negative review and why they aren’t as scary as you may think. Lindsey believes that if you are doing a good service and giving your clients 100% of yourself, there is no reason to be afraid to put yourself out on Yelp and miss out on all the positive benefits of the platform. In This Episode [01:04] Welcome to the show, Lindsey! [01:49] Lindsey shares why she is a Yelp advocate. [02:49] Listen, as Lindsey speaks about how Arrow Salon got to be the number three position on Yelp. [04:00] How many reviews do you have on Yelp? [04:33] Lindsey discusses why people are afraid of being on Yelp. [06:50] Jennie believes that a positive review far outweighs the downside of a negative review. [09:36] Lindsey speaks about using Yelp as a consumer and says that she looks at the pictures more than the reviews. [10:49] What do you have control of on your Yelp page, and what parts of your Yelp page do your clients control? [11:44] Lindsey says they are getting four to five new client inquiries a week from Yelp. [13:51] Lindsey talks about what they have on their Yelp page about their salon to get people's attention during this pandemic. [14:23] Lindsey shares her tips for someone who is getting started on Yelp. [15:55] If you know you are doing good service, don't be afraid of Yelp reviews. [17:01] Thank you for being on the show! Stay Connected Sola Salon Studios Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram Connect with Jennie @jenniethewolff Connect with Lindsey @thehungryhairdresser