Options Bootcamp 45: Mini Options

Basic Training: The world of mini options What are Mini Options? (Just celebrated first birthday last month) Where do they trade? Which underlying names trade? What is the use case? When should you use them? When should you not use them? Pros vs. Cons: Unfortunately we cannot give many pros for mini options as of now. Mail Call: Listener questions and comments. Question from Maximus - Hi Mark, Hope you have been doing well. Following up in connection with my question in the email below, since I haven't seen a new episode of Options Bootcamp come out for the past several weeks, and have been waiting with baited breath for your expert comments on my question. :) Hope I didn't overwhelm you and the panel with my frighteningly complicated question, and the insanely large account balances I am referring to (sarcasm alert! :)) I did notice a mention of "Maximizing a ROTH IRA" in episode 331 of Option Block, which came out on April 21st. However, for some reason, this episode seems to end abruptly at just under 37 min, and seems much shorter than the approx. 1 hour duration of these episodes normally. Perhaps there has been a technical glitch causing the episode upload / recording to end abruptly? I am thinking the question you may have answered on this episode is either my question, or probably one very much related to mine. Would love to learn your and the panel's thoughts regarding my ROTH IRA question. Have a few other questions that I plan on sending in shortly as well. Once again - I think you and your panel do an absolutely fantastic job at spreading knowledge across the several podcasts on your network! Please do keep up the good work, and I hope you are able to produce more podcasts, more frequently! Thanks in advance for your assistance - look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care and be well. Maximus Question from Marco - This one is for the Boot Camp Drill Instructor Squad - probably John. Can I open two accounts at the same brokerage firm? Not an IRA and a regular account but two regular options brokerage accounts. I want to have an account for my regular income trades and an account for other more speculative strategies. It’s easier for my systems if I keep them separate. I am aware that I won’t receive offsetting margin, etc. Is this a possibility or is there some prohibition against this? Thanks for answering and thanks for sponsoring this show. It’s a great program that is helping a lot of people. Still can’t believe it’s free. Question from Lil Tim - Quick one about vol - Are realized and historical vol the same thing? Are there any pricing models that use historical vol? Thx Question from Avery - Help! My broker hates options! What should I do? Question from Joe - Love the show. I look forward to my fresh episodes every couple of weeks. It’s my treat during my commute. Although my wife thinks I listen to too many of your shows Mark. Anyway - I wanted to write in regarding the OIC conference. I have heard you mention this on several programs on the network. I do not live far from Austin, the site of this year’s conference. I am still a relative neophyte when it comes to options, although programs like this one are helping to change that. Do you think its worth it for beginners like me and others listening to this show to attend conferences like this. Is there any material there for me? Thanks for taking the time and thanks for the network Mark. You have got a listener for life./lig

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