Surviving the valleys by looking towards the peaks
She's the Chief Learning Officer of the FDA in the U.S. In this episode LaKeisha McClendon talks about how she's navigating all the uncertainty as a mom of teenagers and as a senior leader in a large organization. LaKeisha talks about viewing the Coronavirus disruption as a temporary valley and categorizing the people around here right now as assets or liabilities.To get daily content and interviews about leading during this disruptive times subscribe to this series and get daily content tap on the subscribe button in this podcast app.Here are some of the links from the show:Register for FREE Live Online Event: Leading Through UncertaintyLink to register: with LaKeisha McClendon on LinkedInConnect with Russ Hill on LinkedIn Connect with Jared Jones on LinkedInJoin the PIL Culture Community on LinkedInVisit our website: Partners In Leadership the podcast:How do you lead during a period of significant disruption - like the coronavirus? The team at Partners In Leadership share their insights from coaching and consulting leaders around the globe for more than three decades.