Making Your Dreams a Reality! Meet Steve and Rob Shallenberger
As some of the most in demand keynote speakers and bestselling authors, Steve and Rob Shallenberger have been adding value to executives and top leaders around the world. Every week, they will be answering your questions by sharing the same tools and strategies from their seminars, granting you free access to the same world class materials typically reserved for Fortune 500 companies. Steve Shallenberger has 40 years of experience under his belt as a successful author, CEO, speaker, and trainer of leaders throughout the world. But most importantly, he has been happily married to the same woman for 41 years and has six kids. In this episode, Steve will share: How he rose from humble beginnings in Valeo, California The power of dreaming The first of twelve principles of highly successful leaders Ways to find an inspirational vision for your life Rob Shallenberger is a Harvard MBA, former fighter pilot, author, speaker, and trainer of corporate leaders with his father, Steve. He is also a husband and father to four beautiful children. Later in the episode, Rob will share: His turning point where he took charge of his life and his future The true opposite of failure and the cure to it The goal of this podcast is to share this incredible, life-changing content with as many people as possible. If you like what you hear, please go rate us on iTunes and share this podcast with your friends, family, and team.SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST Zig Ziglar Steven Covey Earl Nightingale Norman Vincent Peale Denis Waitley Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t- Jim Collins Becoming Your Best: The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders- Steven Shallenberger See for privacy and opt-out information.