Episode 530: If You Fly Low, You Might As Well Walk

Are you UNCOMFORTABLE? http://bit.ly/2120healthcarechallenge Are you putting yourself out there? And if you are, are you seeing the results you want? We are conditioned when we grow up that FAILURE is BAD. FAILURE means we weren't good enough/didn't do enough to achieve a certain result.  Whether it came from a parent, sibling, teacher, partner, ex-spouse, co-worker, etc., it made you feel like garbage. And sometimes, in response to this kind of garbage, you shrunk your standards. You celebrated smaller and smaller wins. You flew so low to the ground, you might as well have been walking. In entrepreneurship, FAILURE is not bad at all (repeated failure is, but that's another podcast). FAILURE is simply an opportunity to learn.  If you are sick and tired of hearing people point out your failures, join us for the 2120 Healthcare Challenge, a rag-tag group of clinicians who are hell-bent on upgrading the decade for their families and their patients. http://bit.ly/2120healthcarechallenge    

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