Episode 527: The Day Your Dreams Got Crushed
Who told you that you couldn't do it? http://bit.ly/2120healthcarechallenge How did that make you feel? Does it still hurt? You aren't alone. I remember when I started my first side hustle as a PT, working as an online personal trainer for Beach Body. And I was CRUCIFIED for it. I had so many PTs telling me I couldn't do it, that I was selling out, that I was WRONG. I just wanted to have more time for my family, and my current job wasn't giving me the freedom for it. But I learned a valuable lesson. There will ALWAYS be Death and Taxes, and ALWAYS someone with an opinion of you and your dreams. They aren't important. If you want to start listening to people who are going through the same thing, join us. http://bit.ly/2120healthcarechallenge